آخبار عاجل

"Quiet and Perhaps Purposeful Dialogue Dr. Abdullah Al Aliawi

10 - 11 - 2023 10:37 138


It has been over a month since the terrible events in Gaza. Since October 8th, the Zionist military machine has been committing massacres against innocent Palestinian civilians, while the international community and organizations remain inactive despite numerous statements and claims of working to end the catastrophe. This situation calls for a deeper analysis of what is happening. This insane violence cannot be directed solely at the civilian population in Gaza, but is part of a plan that targets the entire Islamic world.

The West faces a complex problem with Muslims, as their numbers are rapidly increasing due to immigration or high birth rates, while the birth rates among other religious populations are declining. Many studies indicate predictions that Muslims will become the majority in the West, thus leading to the dominance of Islamic culture. Therefore, creating wars with Islamic communities will result in a decline in Islamic immigration to the West, as well as complicating the lives of Muslims in the West, leading to reverse migrations due to security persecution under the pretext of terrorism, or cultural and economic harassment, which we are witnessing today.

Islamic nations express great sympathy for the Palestinians and declare their willingness to always fight alongside them and defend the path of the Prophet (pbuh). However, on the other hand, the governments of Islamic countries declare in various ways that they do not possess the means of armed confrontation and are not prepared for war. Initially, I am against war, except if it is forced upon us or to defend religion and self. In such cases, there can be no hesitation in confronting the enemy with the availability of tools.

The contradiction between the desires of Islamic peoples and the policies of their governments is the main goal sought by colonial powers. These powers eagerly await the confrontation between peoples and governments, or the enthusiasm of citizens or organizations to engage in armed action against the Zionist entity or Western interests, which will embarrass the revolutionary governments opposing the West and Zionism and attract the enormous military machine towards them, turning them into an appealing target. This machine will not only target fighters but deliberately target civilians, especially children and women, and destroy infrastructure and service institutions as we witness today in Gaza.

The method of involving countries and people in unplanned wars without preparations is a well-known Western method. Through this method, Western countries have managed to occupy and colonize vast areas around the world for centuries, then invent fictitious entities for small countries, granting them roles they do not deserve. They do so by exploiting funds and intelligence, as is happening today with the Palestinian cause, where a certain state that does not even appear as a dot on the map of the Islamic world seeks to control the fate of the Palestinian people and other issues in the region. This facilitates the achievement of Western powers' goals under the pretext of defending the Palestinians and adopting an Islamic approach. Therefore, it is essential to be cautious and not fall into this trap. However, this does not mean backing down from supporting the Palestinian people because there are many means other than direct war that can achieve quick results with lower costs. Muslim governments should take advantage of the numerous research centers in the Islamic world to identify the enemy's weaknesses and work on them to press for the cessation of aggressive actions in Palestine.

If Islamic governments are not prepared for war, they have many other means to confront the situation, such as threatening to withdraw from the U…

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